Best Beans For Cold Brew Coffee: The Ultimate Guide to Deliciousness

Are you a coffee lover who can’t resist the smooth, rich flavor of cold brew coffee? If so, then you already know that the key to a perfect cold brew is selecting the right beans.

Best Beans For Cold Brew Coffee

With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best one for your taste buds. Fear not, for we have done the research and have compiled a list of the best beans for cold brew coffee.

First and foremost, it’s important to note that the beans you choose can make or break your cold brew experience. While any type of coffee bean can technically be used for cold brew, certain types are more suited for this brewing method.

In general, you’ll want to choose beans that are low in acidity and have a bold, smooth flavor profile. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at the best bean types for cold brew coffee.

Key Takeaways

  • Low acidity and a bold, smooth flavor are ideal for cold brew coffee.
  • Colombian, Nicaraguan, Indonesian, and Brazil Santos are the top bean types for cold brew.
  • Dark roast beans are recommended for rich, bold flavors.
  • Coarse-ground coffee is best to prevent over-extraction and bitterness.

Best Bean Types for Cold Brew Coffee

If you want to make the best cold brew coffee, you need to start with the right beans. Colombian, Nicaraguan, Indonesian, and Brazil Santos are the top bean types for cold brew coffee.

Best Bean Types for Cold Brew Coffee

These beans are known for their bold, rich flavors and low acidity, making them perfect for a smooth and refreshing cold brew.


You’ll love the smooth and rich flavor of Colombian beans when used for cold brew coffee. Colombian coffee beans are widely known for their unique flavor profile and are a popular choice among coffee lovers.

The cold brewing process highlights the natural sweetness of the beans, creating a delicious cup of coffee that has a full-bodied taste with subtle flavor notes of chocolate, caramel, and fruit.

Colombian coffee beans are typically medium-roasted, which brings out their natural sweetness, while keeping the flavor profile balanced. Stone Street Colombian coffee beans are a great choice for cold brew because they’re single-origin, organic, and fair-trade certified.

The whole bean coffee is sourced from small farms in Colombia, ensuring that you’re getting the highest quality beans possible. The result is a smooth and flavorful cup of organic cold brew that you can enjoy any time of day.


As luck would have it, the Nicaraguan coffee beans are perfect for cold brew coffee! These beans are sure to surprise and delight your taste buds with their unique flavor profile.

Nicaraguan beans are known for their medium roast and high acidity, which makes them perfect for cold brew. A cold brew blend made with Nicaraguan beans will have a bright, fruity flavor with hints of chocolate and nuttiness.

When looking for the perfect coffee bean for cold brew, Nicaraguan beans should definitely be on your list. These beans are not only delicious, but they’re also organic and fair trade certified. You can find them in both whole bean and ground coffee form, making them easy to use for any cold brew concentrate recipe.

With their bright and fruity flavor, Nicaraguan beans are sure to make your cold brew coffee stand out from the rest.


When it comes to trying something new, exploring Indonesian coffee can add a unique twist to your morning routine. Indonesian beans are known for their full-bodied flavor and low acidity, making them a perfect choice for cold brew coffee.

The best beans for cold brew coffee are those that are medium to dark roasted and have a rich, earthy flavor. Indonesian beans fit the bill perfectly. When brewing Indonesian beans for cold brew, it’s important to use coarse grounds and cold water. This allows the flavors to develop slowly over time, resulting in a smooth and well-balanced drink.

If you’re looking for a bold and flavorful cold brew coffee, then Indonesian beans are definitely worth trying. So go ahead, take a sip and experience the unique flavor profile that these beans have to offer.

Brazil Santos

If you’re looking to switch up your morning cup of joe, Brazil Santos coffee beans could be the perfect addition to your routine. Brazil Santos is considered one of the best coffee beans for cold brew because it has a lower acidity and a full-bodied flavor.

When making cold brew with Brazil Santos coffee grounds, you can expect a smooth and chocolatey taste that’s perfect for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor. To make cold brew using Brazil Santos coffee beans, start by grinding the whole beans to a medium-coarse consistency.

You can use a French press or a cold brew maker to brew the coffee. Simply add the coffee grounds and cold water to the container and let it steep overnight. In the morning, strain the coffee concentrate and dilute it with water or milk to your desired taste.

If you’re looking for a ready-to-drink cold brew, Stone Street Coffee Cold Brew and Death Wish Coffee Cold Brew both offer Brazil Santos beans in their blends. So, if you’re in search of the perfect coffee beans for cold brew, give Brazil Santos a try and enjoy a smooth and flavorful cup of coffee.

What coffee roast is best for cold brew?

You’ll want to choose a dark roast for your cold brew to bring out the rich, bold flavors. While lighter roasts may work well for traditional hot coffee, cold brew requires a different approach. The low acidity and extended steeping time of cold brew can result in a mellow, smooth taste that highlights the deeper notes of the coffee.

A dark roast is ideal for this, as it brings out the natural sweetness and chocolatey undertones that are often hidden in lighter roasts. When selecting beans for your cold brew, look for a quality brand that offers a dark roast specifically for cold brew. While you can certainly use store brand or regular ground coffee, opting for a coffee that is labeled specifically for cold brew will ensure that you have the right coarseness and flavor profile for your drink.

If you prefer to grind your own beans, be sure to choose a coarse ground coffee to prevent over-extraction and bitterness. Ultimately, the best coffee roast for cold brew is one that you enjoy, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different blends and flavors until you find the perfect match.

Can you make cold brew with any coffee beans?

Now that we’ve discussed what coffee roast is best for cold brew, let’s answer the question: can you make cold brew with any coffee beans?

The short answer is yes, you can make cold brew with any coffee beans. However, not all coffee beans are created equal, and some will produce a better cold brew than others.

When it comes to making cold brew coffee, the quality of the beans is key. You want to use high-quality, freshly roasted beans for the best flavor. While you can use any beans you like, some types of beans work better than others. For example, medium to dark roast beans tend to work well for cold brew as they have less acidity and more sweetness.

You can also use a blend of beans to create a unique flavor profile. When choosing beans for cold brew, it’s important to note that you should avoid using store brand or regular ground coffee. These types of coffee are often stale and may not produce the best flavor. Instead, opt for whole beans and grind them yourself just before making your cold brew.

You can also experiment with different types of beans, including espresso beans, to create a unique flavor profile that suits your taste. Ultimately, the best beans for cold brew are those that produce a smooth, rich, and full-bodied flavor.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to make cold brew coffee?

To make cold brew coffee, you’ll need patience. It takes at least 12 hours to steep in cold water, and up to 24 hours for a stronger brew. But trust us, the wait is worth it for a smooth, low-acid coffee.

What is the ideal water-to-coffee ratio for cold brew coffee?

Want the perfect cold brew coffee? Use a 1:5 coffee-to-water ratio for a strong, smooth taste. Experiment with different beans, but stick with coarse grounds for optimal flavor extraction. Enjoy the refreshing results!

Should I grind my own coffee beans for cold brew or buy pre-ground coffee?

For the best cold brew, grind your own beans. Pre-ground coffee is often too fine, leading to over-extraction and a bitter taste. Plus, freshly ground beans have more flavor. Invest in a burr grinder for consistent grounds.

Can I use flavored coffee beans for cold brew coffee?

Yes, you can use flavored coffee beans for cold brew coffee. However, it’s important to note that the flavor may be less intense than if brewed hot. It’s best to experiment with different flavors and ratios to find what works best for you.

How long can I keep cold brew coffee in the fridge before it goes bad?

You can keep cold brew coffee in the fridge for up to a week, but it’s best to consume it within 2-3 days for optimal freshness. After that, the flavor may start to degrade and the coffee can become bitter. Always store it in an airtight container to prevent exposure to air and moisture.

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